Slip in a little fentanyl in that Manteca (heroin) and—our Country’s and the World’s problem is solved! Yo! I knew he was on Manteca!! How do I know? Because I was a former social worker turned educator and those slurred words and pinned eyes are the trademark of a rabatou! I could always tell when my clients were high. That’s when we tried our damnedest to get them into treatment. These individuals were from all walks of life. Every color of the rainbow! But—we would NEVVA help the orange ones!! They could just: Comen mielda y la muerte, compi!! 😂

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So...Elon's geting his ketamine as a comp at the Mar-A-Lago Club now?

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That's the most hilariously, possibly true shit I've heard in a loooong while! LMFAO!!!

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🤣🤣🤣❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ exactly what I witnessed growing up in Jersey. 45 minutes from Atlantic City. Greyhound buses and charters leaving from Mt Laurel bus depot. The sign still stands. The buses from NYC stopping on their way down south to points scheduled gone. Open one day. Shuttered the next. My childhood and teen memories of picking up Tante Steffie just arrived from E 88th Street to stay the weekend. She was always out “in the garden”. A suburban backyard backing township land. She would trudge through the trees picking up branches and sticks. Piling the faggots high for no reason. Central HVAC in working order.

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Can’t we just throw DJT back???

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A+ !

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