I think Black intellects, political strategists, non-college educated voices, etc from all levels local, state and federal need more podcasts/conversations and forums with each other to model for our ppl what it looks like when we build and strategize together (assuming the 80% agreement theory). Great conversation, thank you Brother Harriott ♥️💛💚

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I truly enjoy watching your videos and I’ve learned so much. Thank you🙏🏽 Uplifting!

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His book is 🔥

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Excellent discussion. I learn so much every week from you, Michale and from Angela and the nativeland pod team

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Excellent interview. Thank you.

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I love how she keeps plugging your book. It was a wonderful read and I like your voice narrating it.

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What a great conversation. Lots to think about. Thank you so much.

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The Cousin Strategy....makes a lot of sense and it works for me!

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Thanks, @MICHAELHARRIOT and @ANGELA RAYE. Informative and educational discussion. #dobetter

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