Brilliant. Yes. Fascism is already here.

I've said that Black people should not lead the charge to recover, mitigate or slow down what's happening because Black people did not usher this in. I also do not think there will ever be elections again. More are coming in April. I'm open to being wrong. The US has lowered cyber offense toward Russian in my opinion inviting hackers to disrupt elections.

As I see it, we can stay and wait it out or create a path to another land. I believe life as we knew it under Biden et al is over.

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As Langston Hughes noted:

"Yes, we Negroes in America do not have to be told what Fascism is in action. We know. Its theories of Nordic supremacy and economic suppression have long been realities to us."

Now that America has shown its true colors after generations of “wait-and-see,” it’s past time for us to be just as aggressive.

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I’m one of those white Anglo Saxon types. I’m horrified by what some people have endured. I passionately hate Trump and everything he stands for. I’m also deeply sorry for everything you have had to endure 😣

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As long as you understand why mistrusting so many of you after centuries of this behavior is reasonable. As far as Black America is concerned, every one of you who was an apologist for GOP family in the last 40 years is also complicit in what's happening today.

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Another excellent commentary. And another great example of why I say Black people have to stay engaged. Saying “white people did this,“ or “white people let this happen,“ so “let white people fix it” is missing the point.

They can’t fix it because too many of them support it or keep turning the other cheek because they don’t think they will get caught up in the consequences. They can’t fix it because for the most part they won’t even acknowledge it exists. They can’t fix it because they are still benefiting from it.

We need a new generation of leaders who can agitate and aggravate and provoke real change. And as much as I appreciate white allies, that leader or leaders will have to come from our communities.

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In a sense, it is finally our turn to deal.

This country has been overthrowing democracies since 1953 in Iran, 1954 in Guatemala, and on to very recently several countries in Central and South America, most of whom have clawed at least part way back.

The lack of coverage and awareness of this history makes it no less a real part of our legacy, building on earlier centuries of slavery for free labor and genocide of aboriginals for free land.

It is really our turn to deal. The good news is that many of the countries we did this to provide us with a number of blueprints for overthrowing the overthrow. No need to reinvent the wheel.

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The truth hurts, exemplified by him stating “vote for me and you won’t have to vote again”. I still wonder how do you stop the endgame because martial law is coming.

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Facts, on facts, on facts!!

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Excellent column, spot on. Not qualified to comment on what black people should do to fight it, but I am qualified to know that those white people not happy with the ongoing white male destruction of this planet are going to need to step up…way more than we are today. It’s ultimately the only struggle that matters—destroying the white men’s culture of greed, hate, lies, hyper-violence, and monomaniacal destruction of our very world. We fucked this up…and need to stop it, and deserve no help but best earn some along the way because heaven knows we need all the help we can get…saving the world from…ourselves. Thanks for the excellent piece.

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Love your commentary. It is possible fascism is here but we don’t know yet, because the institutions of our republican democracy are functioning, even if some of the federal ones (like Congress, independent parts of the Executive and the Supreme Court seem to have sidelined themselves. Lower courts are working and state governments are figuring out what to do next.

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According to an assessment of democratic countries, we have not been one since 2016.

Across the board different groups have had rights taken away. The voting Rights Act has been gutted, Row v Wade overturned, SCOTUS upended and the Republicans have ceded their power.

All it takes is any lawful order to be ignored.

Even so unconstitutional acts are being committed min weekly.

I think people WANT things to be normal - see a frog in boiling water- but they are not and haven't been for some time.

I moved from a red state to a blue state - the difference is drastic, but the dismantling will be evident as trump guts institutions we take for granted like education, mail, security of internet, from attacks, clean air, drinkable water, even stopping the spread of diseases we've had under control. Oh yeah. And tanking the economy.

I'm taking steps to prep. Just a matter of time.

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It’s here alright. It’s been hanging around for years now.

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Just waiting for the security cams on every corner and online surveillance as they do in Communist China.

They're already agitating for surveillance of pregnant women, like the Chinese used to do during their One Child policy - a granny assigned to every neighborhood to go around and keep track of women's periods.

Republicans are Stalinist and Maoist/Xi Jinpingist commies now. Ironic, ain't it.

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The Roberts Court owns this. Roberts has carefully, strategically engineered our descent into fascism since the day he was confirmed.

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Thank you for writing this. Now when I'm about to scream at the TV, "We're already there, Bub," I can just forward this essay to everyone. I'm not saying Trump and Musk have no reason to hate me (I've said terrible things about them—true, but terrible), but Social Security is all I've got, so if they start f-ing around with that, which I'm pretty sure they're about to do, that's a big price for me to pay as an elder citizen of an imperfect but dying democracy.

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Fantastic writing thank you. ☺️

I would be happy with a glued together version of America than suffer this one! Trump will be reviled for time immemorial. He is a very sick man.

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Remember? not long ago we were fed a diet of fake news, just the tasty snacks, Now, we're being force fed by Creatures that are yet So Near, But Extremely Far Away, I think it's called 'New NaziLand' the Replacement They've Chosen for America. Wherefore Art Though America? Oh Beautiful?

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Like, it doesn’t really matter because we’ll get there eventually, but I don’t think we’re at “pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints,” specifically legal restraints. We’re still seeing legal restraints coming left and right. The judiciary continues to push back against Trump, and when enjoined, the administration does cease most of its actions.

For me, when a federal judge orders someone locked up and the US Marshals refuse, then I’ll personally be at “oh yeah, we fascist now,” because at that point, until there’s a Congressional majority that does something to restrain Trump, nothing else matters.

But does it *matter* in terms of how I am or am not engaging with the organs of the state or with other citizens at this moment?

Hell no.

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Hitler bought and paid for his judicial system.

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I’ve been saying that this nation will be lost by summer if #47, along with the TechFascists and the Project 2025 architects continue the destruction of the federal government. I find no opposition of sufficient size and power that is able to defeat the seditious conspirators.

There is a tyrant occupying the White House, there are Russian spies gleefully examining all military intelligence, there are unknown adversaries with control over the financial payment systems and the federal databases. It’s done. Quickly and in the clear view of the world.

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Truth. It’s important to name what is - this is fascism - because so many people will avoid recognizing it due to fear, need for normalcy, not understanding or just denial. Thank you. I’m visiting DC and when I walked up the stairs of the Lincoln Memorial I felt such sorrow and despair- the ideals carved into stone, never achieved, are now twisted and spun into fascist talking points.

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