A firsthand account of the gun-toting sharecropper who went John Wick against 50 armed Klansman
Midway through the story I was feeling glad and hopeful, only to have that ripped right out of me with the ending. Should have known. Damn. Thank you for sharing truth.
Thank you always Michael.
John wick?! Bro…you… we thought he was gonna rise up and kill the whole group😂 ! But thanks for getting me here. Needed to see that.
Some of our black attorneys and politicians may have the same fate as Harris for the same reason...ijs
Midway through the story I was feeling glad and hopeful, only to have that ripped right out of me with the ending. Should have known. Damn. Thank you for sharing truth.
Thank you always Michael.
John wick?! Bro…you… we thought he was gonna rise up and kill the whole group😂 ! But thanks for getting me here. Needed to see that.
Some of our black attorneys and politicians may have the same fate as Harris for the same reason...ijs