Jesus Christ. That is a decision tree of the "do you want to drink a bucket of poison or poke your own eye out" quality.

Holy shit. 😳

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Wow, I had forgotten how broad is the foundation of racism.

No wonder they want to stop Black history education in its tracks.

Thank you so much!

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Nixon should be on this list along with Lee Atwater for the Southern Strategy bs.

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Their minions Paul Manafort and Roger Stone are still with us.

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How is Reagan only a 13 seed? Really underselling the evil there.

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MAGA might view this as a popularity poll. Trump loving Jackson is clear in this. Trump being “full of Bull” takes on a second meaning. People often forget Wallace took 5 states in 1968 in today’s MAGA hubs including Mike Johnson’s home state.

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Have to go back further than this. The people who conceived of race science are the true racists. None of them are on the list. Madison Grant. Charles Darwin. Frederick Hoffman, the racist insurance guru, should all be on the list. These are the men who conceived of the idea of inferior and superior races. Madison Grant is probably #1. He wrote about it extensively in his book, The Passing of the Great Race. This text still drives the racial dynamic in the US. On this list, I might go with Wilson or Jefferson tho just to play the game.

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Well, that was not easy.

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That does def appear to be the topic of the day


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The combination of Elongated Muskrat (h/t Lurie Favors Esq) and Donald Chump definitely appears to be in the running


Of course, even malignant narcissists can't do anything without a passel of enablers


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I haven’t voted yet just scrolled, have to clean my fingers they are covered in slime.

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Thank you for creating and for showing us the tentacles of racism grow deep in the American soil. It is for this reason alone the foundation of this Country will continue to crack and crumble. There is no truth in a lie.

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I cannot recall ever reading such a dispiritingly truthful article. However it educated me and helps me understand. For a moment I thought "I'm glad to be British" then I remembered the Caribbean, India, colonial Africa, Australia and I'm burdened with the sins of my nation.

I cannot vote of course, all are too horribly evil to choose between them.

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Like Robert Spottswood says, reading this makes it clear how broad the foundation of racism is. Just overwhelming.

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There are going to be some close ones here. Everyone in this dance has shown they have the game face. Baby!

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Omg! I love this. I could 😢😭😭😭😭

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