It was a relief to read something honest & straightforward for a change. The only way for us to get through this is if we call it out. There are others out there who see it too & who need to know they are not alone. Thank you.

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omg the heavyweights from the root are coming back from their side ventures to one place and i, for one, CANNOT get enough of it!

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“As Michael Harriot said to me earlier today on a phone call, please show me an example of someone who was making that hand gesture when they were not referencing fascism or Nazism.”

Already the AI-generated images are out there showing myriad Democrats using that hand gesture.

Also: I’m sure there are millions of people in the world who have taken exercise classes or done other activities during which they move their arms in a fashion such that, were they video taped, a still image of them “making a Nazi salute” could be extracted.

The difference is that we know Elon Musk didn’t have a still image extracted out of context from a longer video. This *was* the action *in* the context.

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Exactly that. I saw people trying to use images of Kamala Harris, former president Obama, and AOC saying they were making the salute.

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I read about the ADL's mealy mouthed response to this, so I went to their site and reported an antisemitic incident, namely their response to Elon.

I called them Kapos

I'm very curious to see if I get a response beyond the automated one.

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We have to call out all behavior that supports this issh.

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"Every journalist should be committed to speaking the truth and calling out the lies." - Sitting with this sentence today. Great read!

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The only way it wasn't a nazi salute, is if it was the Terran Empire salute, which is a nazi salute 🙄

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Thank you for speaking the truth!

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Very scary!!!

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Benefit of the doubt is key to White supremacy. Who always gets the benefit of the doubt and who never does.

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This, this right here, is why I am here! Thank you!

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This sure looks Nazi to me.

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It’s the man behind the message. Sheesh! But there’s no missing the message.

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Umm, we DEFINITELY can’t depend on the media so…

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I don't usually like litmus tests, but this thing is becoming one. If a report about this nazi salute says "looks like" or "could be perceived as", that is not journalism. I am glad to be supporting journalism.

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No doubt. Periodt.

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Looked like a nazi salute to me.

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