This piece is blistering, but it’s blistering because it’s true.

Every election cycle, we’re told that the Democratic Party is the only thing standing between us and fascism. We vote accordingly. And every cycle, Democratic leadership fails to meaningfully push back on the policies and rhetoric that harm us.

We watched them kneel in kente cloth. We watched them refuse to codify voting rights. We watched them run from police reform, shrink from student debt relief, and deprioritize DEI the moment white voters said it wasn’t their issue.

Now, we’re here—Trump is back, DEI is gutted, and Democrats are retreating to their usual place of comfort: moderation, white appeasement, and weak symbolism.

So, what now?

For decades, we’ve been told we have no alternative—that not voting or leaving the party only strengthens the right. But if we’re already in the worst-case scenario—if marginalized groups are already under attack, and Democrats have already decided we’re politically disposable—then why should we keep investing in a party that won’t fight for us? What if, instead, we invested in ourselves?

What if we built independent Black, Latino, and Indigenous power outside of a party that sees us as expendable?

What if we refused to keep playing a game rigged against us—one where our votes are demanded but our needs are ignored?

What if we stopped asking for scraps and started demanding real political infrastructure that actually serves us?

This isn’t about letting Trump win. Trump already won. The worst is already happening.

This is about making sure that when the next cycle of history begins, we aren’t just pawns on the chessboard of Democratic politics—but the architects of a system that no longer requires our silence, our suffering, or our lesser evilism to function.

It’s time to stop saving the Democratic Party.

It’s time to start saving ourselves.

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We desperately need more than 2 parties.

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I personally am for ranked choice voting. If it (by some miracle in our current situation) was implemented, I think the 2 party system would naturally dissolve. Or at least lose it's dominance.

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That could definitely happen. And I like rank-choice voting too. Lessens the power of the 2 party system.

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More than a few black people have never believed the Democrats were on "our side." When you look at the response across the board at this time, few, if any meet the moment.

I didn't bother watching Alissa Slotkin's response. General commentary from multiple sources said it lacked any fight. She, nor Gavin Newsome would ever represent any view I have.

I hope anyone leading the fight against trump is not black. This isn't our fight because we didn't put him in. Historically, we've led the charge for too long in this country with little or no credit nor over due reparations.

It's a big world. There are places and lands that enjoy and embrace us for the brilliance and swag we bring to the table.

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Blaxit is even more of a thing this time around because why stay where we're never going to be treated as human.

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Because I travel, I know being here is like having a monkey on your back. In Texas it was a heavy monkey. Lighter in Illinois, but a monkey none the less.


As trump voter torpedoed democracy because they really don't want equality for all, why continue to fight? We've never not fought, but we have choices.

I have multiple exit strategies. I am blessed to know I can create those pathways.

As my mother always said " One monkey (or country) don't stop no show!"

Tru dat Mom!

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I've been working on the same since his first term. They all showed their true colors back them. All we got is us and helping people escape has to be the priority.

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The Democrats have shown their true colors of prioritizing money grubbing since Clinton’s Democratic Leadership Council. Black people are not a part of that equation. I always remember what Malcolm said long ago: “The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the "smiling" fox.”

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Beautifully stated. WE CANT FORGET THAT White Democrats are White before they are Democrats. They will give the Black man a fish now and then but don't you dare ask them to hell you get a net so you can catch your own fish. Keep in mind White Democrats benefit from Trumps war on Black people. They benefit from White Supremacy to. There interest is not our interest. WHITE DEMOCRATS WANT TO PROTECT WHITE PRIVILEGES also. Wish we can start our on Black Party. That's why the only solution is to get away from White people by moving 60 million Black to to 4 or 5 EASTERN Seaboard States than seceding from White Amerikkka and establish our own Black Country. Hopefully we can negotiate our Blaxit from Honkkkkee Land USA but if not we should be prepared to fight to get away from these Caucazoid Neanderthal Demons. A new Black country facing Africa is only solution. New Kemet is a must for Black America. We will never prosper as as people as long as we living around White People. They can't stand Black people succeeding, it's hardwired in there Neanderthal DNA to attack Sapiens-Humans.

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I am so, so, fucking sorry... for ALL of it. This piece needs to be shoved in the face of every elected Democrat, everywhere. Repeatedly. It they still fail to understand it then it should be rolled up into a tight roll so they can be beat over their stupid ass heads with it.

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Where's the lie?

So what I'm hearing is we need to either stop voting or vote 3rd party like all those jackals did in this past election? Why? Because MAGAts can only learn the hard way. Liberal and leftists see that there are problems that need fixing, but the only way to fix them is together, with all voices, best idea wins. But to fix it together we need to be having the same conversation (and stop being so hateful towards each other). Except right now one group thinks the sky is blue, the other thinks the sky is a conspiracy against orange Thanos/doesn't care about the sky because they just want to be rich af until they die and leave the sky issue to their grandchildren to solve because they built their wealth on their own without any help and these kids need to figure it out on their own, too.

Anyway, my point is this: WE know it's bad. WE know the boot that oppresses Black Americans is the same boot stepping on poor/"middle class" Wypipo's throats, but because the big Black boot is stepping on their European-descended throats, they can't see past the boot's blackness. The only way out is through; the Jenga tower's gotta fall. We have to wait for *them* to catch up to us... As Justin Simien said at the Spirit Awards: Black Americans have always been living in a fascist country. We know how to survive, and we will survive. But we can't keep trying to save the Wypipo who are not billionaires from themselves. I can't believe I'm saying this as a huge believer in democracy, but I think we need to rescind our vote. Let Dems fall off the cliff and the MAGAts will be right behind them dying of poverty and pestilence from their psychotic policies. We stay surviving.

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End of the day you aren't wrong, but:

DEI is merely the latest goalpost the right has moved in their 'soothe White egos' campaign. It is a new buzzword for some old shit that needs to be at the core regardless of what it's called. Hell - it's a neutering for White liberals we coopted. The right has gotten **great** at hijacking our shit and the palatable packaging. If the advice is based on polling and they got off it I'm mostly ok - so long as they don't fart around with the innards.

Which is where you're right: the party is capitulating to its White People. Because they cannot be arsed to show up on a good day and are stupid regarding the okie doke. Because even the hyper progressive ones will gleefully throw us under the bus in protests as they know they'd be fine anyway. But: we cannot act like we wouldn't either.

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My parent got into the middle class through the black neighbor we lived in, where my Pops had his own business, and so did his brothers. They were all homeowners living in nice neighborhoods with good schools, grocery stores, and meat markets. My parents were a part of that great migration North. They came North with dreams of a better life, free of festering oppression, and wanting better. Pops told me back when I was a young girl, that he and his brothers were taught never to work for others, especially the 'White man', but to have their own businesses. He said that the reason he was so successful was because of the black community we lived in, supported him, and he would not have been able to have a business anywhere else cause of segregation. God blesses the Child that has his own. We need our own communities, where it's ok to be black. I'm tired of bein their after-thought.

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You are just now figuring out that the DNC does not have an effective message? I've been sending their fundraising appeals back FOR YEARS with this written across them: NOT UNTIL YOU GET ON MESSAGE. Which is this: the Democratic Party has always been on the right side of history; on civil rights, on wages, on working conditions, on clean air/water, pick your issue and progressive action is the reason we enjoy the standard of living we do today! But here's what is puzzling: name ONE piece of legislation since the Great Society initiatives that have benefitted black MEN. One; I'm waiting...

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Liberals engage in superficial adjustments to existing frameworks while addressing symbolic and aspirational concerns related to Black communities. In contrast, conservatives remain passive, allowing detrimental situations to persist without intervention.

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To the writers at this site: why would you—and by you I mean you personally, dear writer—think that whites would do anything in your interest if you spew hatred toward them nonstop and cannot get it through your head why they might act in their own interest and not in yours? Whites spent roughly a decade in a position of social-media-policed groveling before “marginalized communities” of several stripes but why would you think that they would actually like it or perform it without a gun to their head via cancel culture?

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Because we white ppl are the ones that put them in “marginalized communities”. Until we take care of the problem we created, we have nothing to say. So, we make it in the politicians best interest to actually take action. How much hatred and anger would you be feeling if you were in this position?

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Don’t care. Not there. And I didn’t do the crime so I shan’t do the time! If you want Elie Mystal and Joy Reid to live rent free in your head and spank your ass hourly, be my guest!

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Then go join your empathy-adverse probable hero, Elon, and GTFOH.

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It’s a free country. KAREN.

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Wow. That’s quite a strong reaction Mathew. You absolutely get to be angry about being accused of things you feel you didn’t do. And you can also disagree with someone’s position and still have compassion for how they feel and be able to listen. While you might not feel 100% responsible for the plight of a segment of our society, you are a member of our society and bare your part in how it is conducted, as we all do.

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No. Not “as we all.” Just us!

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So it feels like you are being pushed into being on the “other”side? I get that. And yet, yes us, as in we are ALL in this together. I am making the effort to reach out to you, Mathew, because you are one of the us. “Them” mentality is to express anger and hurt, or lie to play on emotions to manipulate you to act in someone else’s goals . You get to have many types of emotions at the same time, like anger and compassion. And you can still listen to others while you have them. I am so glad you are here! It shows you are still curious and that is a priceless quality.

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I am happy to disagree with anyone! I don’t cancel people for disagreement. I will say however that nowadays only people on the left say “I just can’t deal with you!!!” over disagreement. People on the right say “Uh….okay,” and have another drink.

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