I hope you plan to publish these essays as a collection. I learn from each one. People keep saying, 'history will show' or 'history will say' not realizing that history is written by the winners. And unless we make an effort to collect the history of this time, it will disappear into unaccessible archives just as the stories of these men did.
We must see to it that the story is told properly.
“Resegregation” should be the definitive description for this period in history. Based on history, Black people should be at war. The problem is that too many of our people have discounted history because they have succumbed to “post-racialism.”
I agree 100%. That single word really had power as I was reading this. People of color, primarily Black people, understand it more than anyone but possible the Indigenous Americans. For them…at this point all POC, women, LGBTQ+, and non-Christians…understand that survival IS the goal since cruelty and hatred ALSO the point and we are at the center of the bull’s eye.
Although I want to throw up r/e tRump and his racist lackey’s actions, maybe a sliver of light is that more folk will read words like these and become (hopefully) enlightened about the serious damage being inflicted on our nation en masse.
i am white. are we white folks so insecure that we’re worried that acknowledging and understanding, examining with a critical eye, the less glamorous aspects of America’s history will completely ruin us?
Come on America … these shitbags are not going to continue to make us ridiculous to the rest of the world. The majority of us are not Orange SHitler dupes. The entirety of the Republican Party will pay for their complicity.
We will buck up and revolt - these motherfuckers .. ALL need to be tarred and feathered and paraded through the streets straight to the gallows. They deserve nothing less for selling out our country, for stealing, plundering, and pillaging from us who worked hard to make this country a place the world admired and wished to emulate. From stealing from us, our parents and grandparents and children and future generations!
Fuck em Fuck em all !!!! Motherfucking Bastards ..
It was hard to get through all of that without wanting to throw up. Such a well written essay, on such sickening things. Thanks for the education. I’ll definitely be a reader from here on out.
I hope you plan to publish these essays as a collection. I learn from each one. People keep saying, 'history will show' or 'history will say' not realizing that history is written by the winners. And unless we make an effort to collect the history of this time, it will disappear into unaccessible archives just as the stories of these men did.
We must see to it that the story is told properly.
Supporting work like Contraband Camp, ensures that true American history can never ever be erased. Good stuff!
“Resegregation” should be the definitive description for this period in history. Based on history, Black people should be at war. The problem is that too many of our people have discounted history because they have succumbed to “post-racialism.”
I agree 100%. That single word really had power as I was reading this. People of color, primarily Black people, understand it more than anyone but possible the Indigenous Americans. For them…at this point all POC, women, LGBTQ+, and non-Christians…understand that survival IS the goal since cruelty and hatred ALSO the point and we are at the center of the bull’s eye.
Although I want to throw up r/e tRump and his racist lackey’s actions, maybe a sliver of light is that more folk will read words like these and become (hopefully) enlightened about the serious damage being inflicted on our nation en masse.
Thank you
Perhaps the only thing more disturbing about this erasure is the realization that more than half of America voted (wants) to see this happen.
Writings like this serve as ammunition in the fight to keep us from being erased.
i am white. are we white folks so insecure that we’re worried that acknowledging and understanding, examining with a critical eye, the less glamorous aspects of America’s history will completely ruin us?
Come on America … these shitbags are not going to continue to make us ridiculous to the rest of the world. The majority of us are not Orange SHitler dupes. The entirety of the Republican Party will pay for their complicity.
We will buck up and revolt - these motherfuckers .. ALL need to be tarred and feathered and paraded through the streets straight to the gallows. They deserve nothing less for selling out our country, for stealing, plundering, and pillaging from us who worked hard to make this country a place the world admired and wished to emulate. From stealing from us, our parents and grandparents and children and future generations!
Fuck em Fuck em all !!!! Motherfucking Bastards ..
It was hard to get through all of that without wanting to throw up. Such a well written essay, on such sickening things. Thanks for the education. I’ll definitely be a reader from here on out.
They're picking up where Andrew Johnson left off
This makes me sick. So tragic! tRump was, is and will remain a POS racist, criminal, thief and liar. I'm sorry.